Sunday, 17 October 2021

Picking a Better Data Store

I like Entity Framework.  It's like arriving at Hogwarts and trying out your wand for the first time .  Sometimes you wave it, and it transforms your rat into a perfect water goblet.  Other times it just blows up in your face, and you have to spend the rest of your high school years trying to master the correct incantation.

The question is, "Why do you have to have magic to transform your code into SQL?"  I used to say for unit testing, but if I want to test my units (whatever a unit is), I could just run them against an in-memory database.  Why do we need to transform a rat into a water goblet, when we could just go out and buy a water goblet, and keep our pet rat?  A rat is not a water goblet, neither is my Linq code TSQL, nor is my aggregate a table.

I use Entity Framework for two reasons: because it's fun, and to show off.  You could say that it makes the code more interesting.  It reminds me of AutoMapper... a library that automatically copies data from one object to another, if the property names match.  If they don't... you can extend your mapping to cater for it.

This is boring:

A.X = B.X;
A.Y = B.Z;

This is cool:

AutoMapperCadabra(A, B);
// TADA!

However, one is easy to debug, and one is not.  That could be a bumper sticker, "Magic... it's not easy to debug!"

Anyway... what was the point of this blog again?  Ah yes... picking a better data store.  What if there was no need for magic?  What if you could just put your aggregate in a database?

And that's why we use document databases.  But there's more to it:

Document databases are typically designed to scale horizontally, splitting the data up in shards on separate nodes.  A relational database typically requires either vertical scaling, or to replicate the entire database to multiple read nodes.

In a document database your aggregate is read and written sequentially... everything for your aggregate is in the same place.  It's not necessary to find bits and pieces all over the hard drive and bundle them together.

But... relational databases have their place.  You can index almost any piece of data, find it, and discover everything it's related to.  Want to find out something complex, like all the brands of wands used to create water goblets where the rat tail was still protruding from the water goblet?  You can!  Not so quick with a document database, unless you read everything.

They also have a schema, meaning that the format of every row is consistent.  This could be important, knowing that whenever you load a record, it it will be in the expected structure.

So, it depends what you need.  You could always dump your changes into a couple of queues and have multiple consumers build up different kinds of data stores, if you really want to.

How to reduce complexity and know enough.

Quality We have a great QA. His code is like a Rolex. You look at his gherkin, and smile.  It says what it's testing, in plain English, ...